Posted in Teaching mathematics

What is variation theory of learning?

variation theoryVariation theory of learning was developed by Ference Marton of the University of Gothenburg. One of its basic tenets is that learning is always directed at something – the object of learning (phenomenon, object, skills, or certain aspects of reality) and that learning must result in a qualitative change in the way of seeing this “something” (Ling & Marton, 2011). Variation theory sees learning as the ability to discern different features or aspects of what is being learned. It postulates that the conception one forms about something or how something is understood is related to the aspects of the object one notices and focuses on.

Here’s an example: In linear equations you want your students to learn that a linear equation in one unknown can only have one root while an equation with two unknowns can have infinitely many roots.  You also want them to learn that in an equation of one unknown, the root is represented by x only while in equation with two unknowns, the root is represented by an ordered pair of x and y. It is also important that students will see that while both roots can be represented by a point, the root of the equation in one unknown can be plotted in a number line or one-dimensional axis while the root of the equation in two unknowns are plotted in two-dimensional coordinate axes. Will the students discern these particular differences between the roots of the two types of equation in the natural course of teaching linear equations or should you so design the lesson so that students will focus on these differences? Variation theory tells you, yes, you should.

At the World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS) conference in HongKong in 2010 most of the lesson studies presented were informed by variation theory. The teachers reported that students achievement showed significant increases in the post test. Everybody seemed to be happy about it. I think it is not only because of its effect on achievement but it also gave the teachers a framework for structuring their lesson particularly on the design and sequencing of tasks. This sounds very simple but it is actually challenging. The challenge is in identifying the critical feature for a particular object of learning – what is it they need to vary and what needs to remain invariant in the students experiences. Variation theory asserts that change in conception can occur by highlighting critical elements of the object of learning and creating variation in these while all other elements are held constant.

Variation theory directs the teacher to focus on the critical aspect of the object of learning (a math concept, for example), identify differing level of conceptions, and from each of these conceptions identify the critical elements (core ideas) which needed to be varied and those that will remain invariant. In mathematics, these invariants are usually the properties of the concept. In the case of the angles for example, in order for students to have a ‘full’ understanding of this concept they needed to experience it in different forms – the two-line angles, the one-line angles, and the no-line angles.

teaching angles
‘Types’ of Angles

What they need to learn (abstract) from these is that they all consist of two linear parts (even if they are not visible) and they cross or meet at a point and that the relative inclination of the two parts has some significance – it defines the sharpness of the corner or the their openness. Given these, the teacher now has to design the lesson/ tasks that will provide the necessary variation of learning experiences. You can read my post Angles aren’t that Easy to See for further explanation about understanding angles. Check also my post on how to select and sequence examples to see how variation theory is useful for thinking about examples.

Teachers must always remember however that “even if they aware of the need for the appropriate pattern of variation and invariance, quite a bit of ingenuity may be required to bring it about. Providing the necessary conditions for learning does not guarantee that learning will take place. It is the students’ experience of the conditions that matters. Some students will learn even though the necessary conditions are not provided in class. This may be because such conditions were available in the students’ past, and some students are able to recall these experiences to provide a contrast with what they experience in class. But, as teachers we should not leave learning to happen by chance, and we should strive to provide the necessary conditions to the extent that we are able” (Ling & Marton, 2011). I think we should also remember that the way the learners are engaged is a big factor in learning. You may have addressed the critical feature through examples with appropriate pattern of variation but if this was done by telling, learning may still be limited and superficial.

Another useful guide for effecting learning is creating cognitive conflict. Click Using cognitive conflict to teach solving inequalities to see a sample lesson.

Posted in Algebra, High school mathematics

Using cognitive conflict to teach solving inequalities

One way to teach and assess students understanding of math concepts and procedures is to create a cognitive conflict. Here is one way you can create cognitive conflict in solving inequalities:

To solve the inequality x – 7 > 5, the process usually involve adding 7 to both sides of the inequality.


This process uses the principle a > b then a + c > c. There is no change in the inequality sign since the same number is added to both side.

Now, what if we add 7 to the left side of the inequality and 6 to the right side?

cognitive conflict

The process uses this principle: If a > b, cd then a + c > d. Should this create a change in the inequality sign? Certainly not. There should be no change in the inequality sign when a bigger (smaller) number is added to the bigger (smaller) number side.  Both of these processes create a cognitive conflict and will be a good opportunity for your class to discuss what solving inequality means and, compare the processes of solving equations and inequalities. Comparing and contrasting procedures is also a good strategy to developing conceptual understanding.

For those interested to learn more about inequalities I recommend this book:Introduction to Inequalities (New Mathematical Library)

Posted in Math investigations, Teaching mathematics

What is cognitive conflict approach to teaching?

According to Piaget, knowledge is constructed when a learner encounters input from the environment and incorporates the new experiences to his/her existing schemes and mental structures (assimilation). When this new assimilated information conflicts with previously formed mental structures, the result is called disequilibrium – a cognitive conflict. This state of disequilibrium motivates the learner to seek equilibrium. The cognitive conflict approach to teaching is based on this assumption – that learners will seek this equilibrium.

Cognitive conflict approach to teaching exposes students in  situations where some of their existing understandings about an idea or a topic no longer hold. A famous example on this is the Chords and Regions activity:

Find a way of predicting the maximum number of regions created by chords connecting n points.

This activity is usually used to challenge students thinking that patterns observed will always hold true and that patterns can be used as proof. The pattern observed will not hold true for n > 5. You can read the result of this activity in this paper Chords and Regions.

The assumption that learners will seek equilibrium when they are put in a situation of disequilibrium, when they experience cogntive conflict isn’t often the case. In fact, a common challenge faced by the cognitive conflict approach is that students often possess ‘contradictory understandings’ (from a mathematical point of view) but they don’t feel the need to address the inconsistencies in their understandings. This is the reason why it is very hard to correct a misconception. Also, students often do not see the importance (or necessity) to engage in a process of modifying their understandings to resolve the contradictions and they tend to treat the contradictions as exceptions (Stylianides & Stylianides, ICME-11). In the above activity for example, instead of being challenged, students can just accept the fact that the pattern stops after n=5 and not try to think of a more general rule to cover all cases. It is also possible that students can just say Next time I’ll try up to 10 cases before generalizing. This is now the challenge to the teacher. As a teaching approach, the use of cognitive conflict has a lot of potential but it needs more than simply using the appropriate task to create the conflict. Our students can be very resilient.

Mary Pardoe via LinkedIn discussion suggests that a strategy that encourages students to confront, rather than avoid, a cognitive conflict is to challenge small groups of students to reach a group conclusion (about the situation) with which everyone in the group agrees. Students who individually might respond differently to the ‘conflict’ will usually then try to persuade each other that their own points of view are correct, and so they are motivated to explain and discuss their thinking. Sample teaching using this approach is described in Using cognitive conflict to teach solving inequalities.

Common misconceptions are also rich sources of tasks for creating cognitive conflict. Click the link Mistakes and Misconceptions and Top 10 Errors in Algebra for sample of tasks.

You may want to check the book below to get more ideas on teaching mathematics.

Constructing Knowledge for Teaching Secondary Mathematics: Tasks to enhance prospective and practicing teacher learning (Mathematics Teacher Education)


Posted in Misconceptions, Number Sense

From whole numbers to integers – so many things to “unlearn”

A lot of online resources on integers are about operations on integers especially addition and subtraction.  Most of these resources  show visual representations of integer operations. These representations are almost always in the form of jumping bunnies, kitties, frogs, …  practically anything that can or cannot jump are made to jump on the number line. Sometimes I wonder where and when in their math life will the students ever encounter or use jumping on the number line again.  If you want to know why I think number line might not work for teaching operations, click link –  Subtracting  integers using number line – why it doesn’t help the learning.

Of course there may be other culprits apart from rote learning and the numberline model. Maybe there are other things that blocks students’ understanding of integers especially doing operations with them.

Before integers, students’  life with numbers had been all about whole numbers and some friendly fractions and decimals. So it is not surprising that they would have made some generalizations related to whole numbers with or without teachers help. I pray of course that teachers will have no hand in arriving at these generalizations and that if indeed students will come to these conclusions, it should be by the natural course of things.  Here are some dangerous generalizations.

over-generalizations about whole numbers

These generalizations are very difficult to unlearn (accommodate according to Piaget) because based on students experiences they all work and are all true. Now, here comes integers turning all of these upside down, creating cognitive conflict. In the set of integers,

  1. when a number is added to another number it could get smaller (5 + -3 gives 2; 2 is smaller than 5)
  2. the sum of any two numbers can be smaller than both of the addends (-3 + -2 gives -5; -5 is smaller than -3 and -2)
  3. when a number is taken a way from another number, it could get bigger (3 – -2 = 5, 3 just got bigger by 2)
  4. you can get an answer for taking away a bigger number from a smaller number (3 – 5 = -2)
  5. when a number is multiplied by another number, it could get smaller (-3 x 2 = -5)
  6. when a number is divided by another number, it could get bigger (-15/-3 = 5)

On top of these, mathematics is taught as something that gives absolute result. So how come things change?

You may be interested to read my article on Math War over Multiplication. It’s also about overgeneralization.

Feel free to share your thoughts about these.