Posted in Algebra

What are the Three Worlds of Mathematics?

There are three worlds of mathematics according to David Tall: the world of conceptual embodiment, the world of symbolic calculation and manipulation, and the world of axiomatic formalism. This classification is based on how mathematical concepts/objects developed. It is important for us teachers to be at least aware of these three worlds.  It tells us that math ideas are not formed in the same way therefore we can’t teach all math topics in the same way. The use of real-life contexts, the use of concrete materials, may afford learning of some concepts but may hinder the learning of  others.

World of Conceptual Embodiment

According to Tall, the world of conceptual embodiment grows out of our perceptions of the world and consists of our thinking about things that we perceive and sense, not only in the physical world, but in our own mental world of meaning. The world includes the conceptual development of Euclidean geometry and other geometries that can be conceptually embodied such as non-Euclidean geometries and any other mathematical concept that is conceived in visuo- spatial and other sensory ways. A large part of arithmetical concepts also developed via conceptual embodiment (see Figure below).

World of Symbolic Calculation

The second world is the world of symbols that is used for calculation and manipulation in arithmetic, algebra, calculus and so on. The ‘development’ of the objects of this world begin with actions (such as pointing and counting) that are encapsulated as concepts by using symbol that allow us to switch effortlessly from processes to do mathematics to concepts to think about.  But the focus on the properties of the symbols and the relationship between them moves away from the physical meaning to a symbolic activity in arithmetic. My post Levels of understanding of function in equation form describes the development of the idea of equation from action to object conception.

World of axiomatic formalism

The third world is based on properties, expressed in terms of formal definitions that are used as axioms to specify mathematical structures (such as ‘group’, ‘field’, ‘vector space’, ‘topological space’ and so on).  It turns previous experiences on their heads, working not with familiar objects of experience, but with axioms that are carefully formulated to define mathematical structures in terms of specified properties. Other properties are then deduced by formal proof to build a sequence of theorems. The formal world arises from a combination of embodied conceptions and symbolic manipulation, but the reverse can, and does, happen.

development of mathematics


Read the full paper Introducing the Three Worlds of Mathematics by David Tall.

Posted in Assessment, Math research

Student Achievement in Mathematics – TIMSS Ranking

East Asian countries continue to lead the world in student achievement in mathematics. Singapore, Korea, and Hong Kong SAR, followed by Chinese Taipei and Japan, were the top-performing countries in TIMSS 2011 at the fourth grade. Similarly, at the eighth grade, Korea, Singapore, and Chinese Taipei outperformed all countries, followed by Hong Kong SAR and Japan. Here’s the result for 4th Grade and 8th grade achievement for 2011 released last December 2012.  The number enclosed in the parenthesis is the average scale score of the country. The average scale centrepoint is 500 for both grade levels. TIMSS stands for Trends in Mathematics and Science Study.

You can access the full report in International Student Achievement in Mathematics.

8th Grade TIMSS 2011 4th Grade TIMSS 2011
  1. South Korea (613)
  2. Singapore (611)
  3. Chinese Taipei (609)
  4. Hong Kong SAR (586)
  5. Japan (570)
  6. Russian Federation (539)
  7. Israel (516)
  8. Finland (514)
  9. United States (509)
  10. England (507)
  11. Hungary (505)
  12. Australia (505)
  13. Slovenia (505)
  14. Lithuania (502)
  15. Italy (498)
  16. New Zealand (488)
  17. Kazakhstan (487)
  18. Sweden (484)
  19. Ukraine (479)
  20. Norway (475)
  21. Armenia (467)
  22. Romania (458)
  23. United Arab Emirates (456)
  24. Turkey (452)
  25. Lebanon (449)
  26. Malaysia (440)
  27. Georgia (431)
  28. Thailand (427)
  29. Macedonia (426)
  30. Tunisia (425)
  31. Chile (416)
  32. Iran (415)
  33. Qatar (410)
  34. Bahrain (409)
  35. Jordan (406)
  36. Palestinian Nat’l Auth (404)
  37. Saudi Arabia (394)
  38. Indonesia (386)
  39. Syrian Arab Rep (380)
  40. Morocco (371)
  41. Oman (366)
  42. Ghana (331)
  1. Singapore (606)
  2. South Korea (605)
  3. Hong Kong SAR (602)
  4. Chinese Taipei (591)
  5. Japan (585)
  6. Northern Ireland (562)
  7. Belgium (549)
  8. Finland (545)
  9. England (542)
  10. Russian Federation (542)
  11. United States (541)
  12. Netherlands (540)
  13. Denmark (537)
  14. Lithuania (534)
  15. Portugal (532)
  16. Germany (528)
  17. Ireland (527)
  18. Serbia (516)
  19. Australia (516)
  20. Hungary (515)
  21. Slovenia (513)
  22. Czech Republic (511)
  23. Austria (508)
  24. Italy (508)
  25. Slovak Republic (507)
  26. Sweden (504)
  27. Kazakhstan (501)
  28. Malta (496)
  29. Norway (495)
  30. Croatia (490)
  31. New Zealand (486)
  32. Spain (482)
  33. Romania (482)
  34. Poland (481)
  35. Turkey (469)
  36. Azerbaijan (463)
  37. Chile (462)
  38. Thailand (458)
  39. Armenia (452)
  40. Georgia (450)
  41. Bahrain (436)
  42. United Arab Emirates (434)
  43. Iran (431)
  44. Qatar (413)
  45. Saudi Arabia (410)
  46. Oman (385)
  47. Tunisia (359)
  48. Kuwait (342)
  49. Morocco (335)
  50. Yemen (248)


Posted in Humor

Christmas GeoGebra Applet

candlesHere’s wishing you the choicest blessings of the season. The applet was adapted from the work of Wengler published in GeoGebra Tube. Being an incurable math teacher and blogger I can’t help not to turn this unsuspecting christmas geogebra applet into a mathematical task.

Observe the candles.

1. When is the next candle lighted?

2. On the same coordinate axes, sketch the time vs height graph of each of the four candles?

3. What kind of function does each graph represents?  Write the equation of each function?

3. If the candles burns at the rate of 2 cm per second and all the candles are completely burned after 20 seconds, what is the height of each candle? (Note: These are fast burning candles 🙂 )

[iframe 650 700]

Posted in Math blogs

Top 20 Math Posts and Pages in 2012

The thinker

I blog in order to organise what I think. And I don’t think I’m succeeding judging from the range of topics that I have so far written since I started Math for Teaching blog in 2010. Here’s the twenty most popular math posts and pages in this blog for the year 2012. It’s a mix of curricular issues, lessons, and teaching tips.

  1. What is mathematical investigation? – Mathematical investigation refers to the sustained exploration of a mathematical situation. It distinguishes itself from problem solving because it is open-ended….
  2. Exercises, Problems, and Math Investigations – The quality of mathematics students learn depends on the mathematical tasks or activities we let our students engage in….
  3. What is mathematical literacy? – Mathematical literacy involves more than executing mathematical procedures and possessions of basic knowledge that would allow a citizen to get by. Mathematical literacy is mathematical knowledge, methods,…
  4. My issues with Understanding by Design (UbD) – Everybody is jumping into this new education bandwagon like it is something that is new indeed. Here are some issues I want to raise about UbD…
  5. Curriculum change and Understanding by Design, what are they solving? – Not many teachers make an issue about curriculum framework or standards in this part of the globe. The only time I remember teachers raised an issue about it was in 1989, when the mathematics curriculum moved …
  6. Math investigation lesson on polygons and algebraic expressions – Understanding is about making connection. The extent to which a concept is understood is a function of the strength of its connection with other concepts. An isolated piece of knowledge is not powerful…
  7. Mathematics is an art – Whether we are conscious of it or not, the way we teach mathematics is very much influenced by what we conceive mathematics is and what is important knowing about it…
  8. Mathematical habits of mind – Learning mathematics is not just about knowing, understanding, and applying its concepts, principles and all the associated mathematical procedures and algorithms. It’s not just even about  acquiring the capacity to solve problem,  to reason, and to communicate…
  9. Subtracting integers using numberline – why it doesn’t help the learning – I have reasons to suspect that for a good percentage of students, the end of their mathematics career begin when they are introduced to subtracting integers. Well, for some, it’s when the x‘s start dropping from the sky without warning…
  10. Teaching positive and negative numbers – Here’s my proposed activity for teaching positive and negative numbers that engages students in higher-level thinking…
  11. Trigonometry – why study triangles – What is so special about triangles? Why did mathematicians created a branch of mathematics devoted to the study of it? Why not quadrinometry? Quadrilaterals, by its variety are far more interesting….
  12. Teaching the concept of function – Mathematics is not just about the study of numbers and shapes but also about the study of patterns and relationships. Function, which can define some of these relationships, is an indispensable tool in its study…
  13. Algebraic thinking and subtracting integers – Part 2 – Algebraic thinking is about recognizing, analyzing, and developing generalizations about patterns in numbers, number operations, and relationships among quantities and their representations.  It doesn’t have to involve working with the x‘s and other stuff of algebra….
  14. Patterns in the tables of integers – Mathematics is said to be the science of patterns. Activities that involve pattern searching is a great way to engage students in mathematical thinking. Here are some of my favorites …
  15. Making generalizations in mathematics – Making generalizations is fundamental to mathematics. Developing the skill of making generalizations and making it part of the students’ mental disposition or  habits of mind …
  16. Teaching with GeoGebra: Squares and Square Roots – This post outlines a teaching sequence for introducing the concept of square roots in a GeoGebra environment. Of course you can do the same activity using grid papers, ruler and calculator….
  17. Algebra vs Arithmetic Thinking – One of the solutions to help students understand algebra in high school is to start the study of algebra earlier hence the elementary school curriculum incorporated some content topics traditionally studied in high school. However,…
  18. Teaching with GeoGebra – Educational technology like GeoGebra can only facilitate understanding if the students themselves use it. This page contains a list of my posts …
  19. Teaching combining algebraic expressions with conceptual understanding – In this post, I will share some ideas on how the simple investigation of drawing polygons with the same area can be used as an introductory lesson to teach operations with algebraic expressions with meaning and understanding.
  20. Mistakes and Misconceptions in Mathematics – Misconceptions are very different from the mistakes students make. Mistakes are not consciously made. Misconceptions are. Mistakes are usually one-off, while misconceptions, the gods forbid, could be for keeps….