Posted in Teaching mathematics

To understand mathematics is to make connection

I’m sharing in this post some of the “theories” underpinning the lessons, learning tasks, and math teaching ideas that I blog here.  This is part of the literature review of my dissertation titled “A Framework of Growth Points in Students Developing Understanding of Function”. If you are a researcher and wants to see the references, you may download the dissertation here.

Good ideas are networks
Understanding as making connection

To understand something is to connect it with other ideas. The stronger the connection, the more powerful the knowledge. The more connected an idea is to other ideas, the easier it is to retrieve from memory and the wider the applications. In mathematics, this implies that one understands when he or she can make connections between ideas, facts or procedures (Hiebert & Wearne, 1991). In making connections, one not only links new mathematical knowledge to prior knowledge but also creates and integrates knowledge structures (Carpenter & Lehrer, 1999). Thus, the process of understanding is like building a network. Networks are built as new information is linked to existing networks or as new relationships are constructed (Hiebert & Carpenter, 1992). If one imagines a weblike structure, the mental representations constructed in the process of understanding can be thought of as nodes. These nodes are themselves “networks”. These smaller networks resemble what is called a schema in cognitive psychology which is a network of well-connected ideas, skills and strategies an individual uses in working with a particular task (Marshall, 1990).

The importance of the acquisition of cognitive structures (schemas) has been shown in studies of people who have developed expertise in areas such as mathematics, physics, chess, etc.

Bransford, Brown & Cocking (1999) summarised the key principles of experts’ knowledge. Some of these are:

  1. Experts notice features and meaningful patterns of information that are not noticed by novices.
  2. Experts have acquired a great deal of content knowledge that is organised in ways that reflect a deep understanding of their subject matter.
  3. Experts’ knowledge cannot be reduced to sets of isolated facts or propositions but, instead, reflect contexts of applicability: that is, the knowledge is “conditionalized” on a set of circumstances.
  4. Experts are able to flexibly retrieve important aspects of their knowledge with little attentional effort (p. 19).

Von Glasersfeld (1987) described understanding as a “never-ending process of consistent organization” (p. 5). It is not an all or none phenomenon hence “it is more appropriate to think of understanding as emerging or developing rather than presuming that someone either does or does not understand a given topic, idea, or process” (Carpenter & Lehrer, 1999, p. 20).

Conceptual vs Procedural Knowledge

Related to the notion of understanding is knowledge of concepts and procedures. Conceptual knowledge in mathematics is “knowledge of those facts and properties of mathematics that are recognized as being related in some way” (Hiebert & Wearne, 1991, p. 200).  It is “knowledge that is understood, … a knowledge that is rich in relationships. … A unit of conceptual knowledge is not stored as an isolated piece of information; it is conceptual knowledge only if it is a part of a network” (Hiebert & Carpenter, 1992, p. 78) [italics, mine]. This implies that the quality of conceptual knowledge is a function of the strength of the connection or relationships between the concepts involved.

Hiebert and Carpenter defined procedural knowledge as a sequence of actions and as such, the connection between concepts involved is minimal. An example of procedural knowledge is knowledge of standard computation algorithms, which consist of a step-by-step sequence of procedures of symbol manipulation. Hiebert and Carpenter argued that procedural knowledge could contribute to mathematical expertise only if it is related to conceptual knowledge: “From the expert’s point of view, procedures in mathematics always depend upon principles represented conceptually” (p. 78).



The image is from the post Good Ideas are Networks in  Slow Muse by Deborah Barlow.

A Framework of Growth Points in Students’ Developing Understanding of Function – PhD Thesis by the Author

Posted in Algebra, Assessment, High school mathematics

Levels of understanding of function in equation form

There are at least three representational systems used to study function: graphs, tables and equations. But unlike graphs and tables that are used to visually show the relationships between two varying quantities, students first experience with equation is not as a representation of function but a statement which state the condition on a single unknown quantity.  Also, the equal sign in the early grades is taught to mean “do the operation” and not to denote equality between the quantities of both sides of the sign. To complicate the matter, when equation is used as a representation of function, it takes an additional meaning, that of a representation of two varying quantities! For example, let y be number of t-shirts and x be the number of t-shirts to be printed. If the cost of printing a t-shirt is 2.50 then the function that defines y in terms of x is y = 2.50x. Understanding function equation form is not an easy concept for many students.

I believe that if mathematics teachers are aware of the differing level of abstraction in students’ thinking and reasoning  when they work with function in equation form then the teachers would be better equipped to design appropriate instruction to lead students towards a deeper understanding of this concept.Failure to do so would deprive students the opportunity to understand other advanced algebra and calculus topics.I would like to share a framework for assessing students’ developing understanding of function in equation form. This framework is research-based. You can download the full paper here or you can view the slides in my post Learning Research Study Module for Understanding Function.

The framework is in terms of levels of understanding. You can use it to design tasks or assess your students understanding of function in equation form. Each of these levels are “big ideas” or schemas in the understanding of function.
Level 1 – Equations are procedures for generating values.
Students at this level can find x given y or vice versa. Some can generate a number of pairs but not really see the equation as a rule for all pairs of values in a situation.
Level 2 – Equations are representations of relationships.
Students at this level understands domain and range, can generate pairs of values and graph it. They also know that that relationship is unique and true for the values in the domain and range.
Level 3 – Equations describe properties of relationships.
Students at this level can interpret the properties of the function like rate of change and intercepts form the equation but can do it by generating values.
Level 4 – Functions are objects that can be manipulated and transformed
This is the highest level. At this point students see the equation as a math object. They can do composition of function, can find its inverse by algebraic manipulation and can interpret the meaning or effect of the parameters to the graph of the function. 

You can reference the above framework:

Ronda, E. (2009). Growth points in students’ developing understanding of function in equation form. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 21, 31-53.