Posted in Algebra

What is an algebraic function?

An algebraic function is a function created by applying the operation of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and extracting the nth root. Let me give an example. Suppose you have the function f and g where f is a linear function and g is a constant function.  Let f(x)=x and g(x) = -3. We can create another linear function h by multiplying f and g that is h(x) = -3x. We can also create another linear function l where l = fg, that is l(x) = x-3.

What about quadratic functions? A quadratic function (with real roots) is a product of two linear functions. So we can make a quadratic function n by multiplying f and l for example. That is, n(x) = f(x) x l(x) = x(x-3). And cubic function? A cubic function is a product of three linear functions or of a quadratic function and a linear function. And quartic function? Well, you must have figured it by now. This process of creating function by multiplying linear functions produces a family of functions called polynomial functions so called because its algebraic representation is a polynomial.

Polynomial Function Family

What kind of function is produced when you divide a function by a function in x? Using the function defined earlier, what is g÷f?  g÷l? f÷l? Getting the quotient of two polynomial functions give us a new family of functions: p(x) = -3/x; q(x) = -3/(x-3); and, r(x) = x/(x-3). These expressions defining the functions will not simplify to polynomial expressions so they do not belong to the family of polynomial functions. They belong to what is called the family of rational functions so called because they are defined by rational expressions.

You can also raise a function to a fractional power, that is get the nth root of the function. For example we can have t(x)= x^0.5. That is t(x)=sqrt of x. I don’t know what this family of function is called. Maybe we can call then nth root functions.

These three families — polynomial functions, rational functions, and nth root functions, all belong to the family of algebraic functions. Functions that are not algebraic functions are called transcendental functions.

You may also want to read ideas for teaching functions.

Posted in Algebra, Calculus

Teaching the derivative function without really trying

New mathematical ideas are usually built on another mathematical idea or ideas. Because of this, the teaching of mathematics if it is to make sense to students, should reflect this ‘building on’ process. Students should be able to see how the new idea is connected to what they already know. Good teaching of mathematics also demand that this new knowledge be useful and connected to the mathematics that students will encounter later.

Here is an example of a lesson that teaches the idea of derivative without really teaching it yet. This means that you can introduce this in Year 9 or 10 in their lesson about graphs of second degree function. The only requirement is that they understand the function of the form f(x) = ax^2. The task requires determining the equation of linear function of the form y = 2ax, which happens to be the derivative of ax^2. Of course you will not introduce the term derivative at this year level. You are just planting the seed for this important concept which students will encounter later.

The lesson uses the applet below. Of course, much of the success of the lesson will still be in questions you will asked after students initial exploration of the applet. You can find my proposed questions for discussion below the applet. [iframe 750 620]

Questions for discussion

  1. You can move point A but not point B. Point B moves with A. What does this imply?
  2. What do you notice about the position of B in relation to the position of A?
  3. What is the path (locus) of point B? Right click it and choose TRACE then move A to verify your conjecture.
  4. What is the same and what is different about the coordinates of points A and B?
  5. To what does the coordinates of B depends on?
  6. What is the equation of the line traced by B?
  7. Refresh the applet then use the slider to change the equation of the graph, say a=3. What is the equation of the line traced by B this time?
  8. What do you think will be the equation of the path of B if the graph is f(x) = ax^2

By the end of this lesson students should have the intuitive notion of derivative and can find its equation given the function f(x) = ax^2.

There are actually 8 ways to think of the derivative. If you want to know more about Calculus, here’s a good reference:

The Calculus Direct: An intuitively Obvious Approach to a Basic Understanding of the Calculus for the Casual Observer