Posted in What is mathematics

Bedrock principles of math and what it means to understand math

In one of my LinkedIn group, someone started a discussion with this question What  is the bedrock principle of mathematics? May I share some of the answers.

1. “The bedrock principle of mathematics is the axiomatic system. The realization that there are propositions that must be taken for granted in order to have something to build upon.”

2. “Speaking about foundations, in my opinion the bedrock should be enlarged at least as follows:

  • discerning that two things are different;
  • identifying two things which share same property;
  • discovering relations among properties.”

3. “I would say the bedrock principles of mathematics are:

  • The ability to differentiate two things
  • The ability to rank two things (as to most value, shortest route, least danger, etc.)
  • The ability to expand the above to more than two things”
Bedrock principles of any discipline of course can’t tell us how one can know if he or she understands a piece of that discipline. So I asked How can one tell if he/she understands a piece of mathematics?
According to Peter Alfeld you understand a piece of mathematics if you can do all of the following:
  • Explain mathematical concepts and facts in terms of simpler concepts and facts.
  • Easily make logical connections between different facts and concepts.
  • Recognize the connection when you encounter something new (inside or outside of mathematics) that’s close to the mathematics you understand.
  • Identify the principles in the given piece of mathematics that make everything work. (i.e., you can see past the clutter.)

You may also want to read my post To understand is to Make Connection.

The challenge of course will still be this question: What does all these imply about teaching mathematics?

Posted in Teaching mathematics

The Four Freedoms in the Classroom

You will find that by providing the following freedoms in your classroom an improved learning environment will be created.

The Freedom to Make Mistakes

Help your students to approach the acquisition of knowledge with confidence. We all learn  through our mistakes. Listen to and observe your students and encourage them to explain or demonstrate why they THINK what they do. Support them whenever they genuinely participate in the learning process. If your class is afraid to make mistakes they will never reach their potential.

The Freedom to Ask Questions

Remember that the questions students ask not only help us to assess where they are, but assist us to evaluate our own ability to foster learning. A student, having made an honest effort, must be encouraged to seek help. (There is no value in each of us re-inventing the wheel!). The strategy we adopt then should depend upon the student and the question but should never make the child feel that the question should never have been asked.
classroom quote

The Freedom to Think for Oneself

Encourage your class to reach their own solutions. Do not stifle thought by providing polished algorithms before allowing each student the opportunity of experiencing the rewarding satisfaction of achieving a solution, unaided. Once, we know that we can achieve, we may also appreciate seeing how others reached the same goal. SET THE CHILDREN FREE TO THINK.

The Freedom to Choose their Own Method of Solution

Allow each student to select his own path and you will be helping her to realize the importance of thinking about the subject rather than trying to remember.

These freedoms help develop students skills and habits of mind.

Posted in Math blogs

Math Blog Carnivals

A  math carnival is a one-stop shop of math ideas from bloggers all over the world. Here are the latest edition of  three Math Blog Carnivals in English. Of course, you can always translate them to your language.

And if you are looking for more you can go to the mother of all math carnivals – Math

Posted in Algebra, High school mathematics

Using cognitive conflict to teach solving inequalities

One way to teach and assess students understanding of math concepts and procedures is to create a cognitive conflict. Here is one way you can create cognitive conflict in solving inequalities:

To solve the inequality x – 7 > 5, the process usually involve adding 7 to both sides of the inequality.


This process uses the principle a > b then a + c > c. There is no change in the inequality sign since the same number is added to both side.

Now, what if we add 7 to the left side of the inequality and 6 to the right side?

cognitive conflict

The process uses this principle: If a > b, cd then a + c > d. Should this create a change in the inequality sign? Certainly not. There should be no change in the inequality sign when a bigger (smaller) number is added to the bigger (smaller) number side.  Both of these processes create a cognitive conflict and will be a good opportunity for your class to discuss what solving inequality means and, compare the processes of solving equations and inequalities. Comparing and contrasting procedures is also a good strategy to developing conceptual understanding.

For those interested to learn more about inequalities I recommend this book:Introduction to Inequalities (New Mathematical Library)