Posted in Algebra, Number Sense

The many faces of multiplication

The following table is not meant to be a complete list of ideas about the concept of multiplication. It is not meant to be definitive but it does include the basic concepts about multiplication for middle school learners. The inclusion of the last two columns about the definition of a prime number and whether or not 1 is considered a prime show that there are definitions adapted to teach school mathematics that teachers in the higher year levels need to revise. Note that branching and grouping which make 1 not a prime number can only model multiplication of whole numbers unlike the rest of the models. Multiplication as repeated addition has launched a math war. Formal mathematics, of course, has a definitive answer on whether 1 is prime or not. According to the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, 1 must not be prime so that each number greater than 1 has a unique prime factorisation.

If multiplication is … … then a product is: … a factor is: … a prime is: Is 1 prime?
REPEATED ADDITION a sum (e.g., 2×3=2+2+2 = 3+3) either an addend or the count of addends a product that is either a sum of 1’s or itself. NO: 1 cannot be produced by repeatedly adding any whole number to itself.
GROUPING a set of sets (e.g., 2×3 means either 2 sets of three items or 3 sets of 2) either the number of items in a set, or the number of sets a product that can only be made when one of the factor is 1 YES: 1 is one set of one.
BRANCHING the number of end tips on a ‘tree’ produced by a sequence of branchings (think of fractals) a branching (i.e., to multiply by n, each tip is branched n times) a tree that can only be produced directly (i.e., not as a combination of branchings) NO: 1 is a starting place/point … a pre-product as it were.
FOLDING number of discrete regions produced by a series of folds (e.g., 2×3 means do a 2-fold, then a 3-fold, giving 6 regions) a fold (i.e., to multiply by n, the object is folded in n equal-sized regions using n-1 creases) a number of regions that can only be folded directly NO: no folds are involved in generating 1 region
ARRAY-MAKING cells in an m by n array a dimension a product that can only be constructed with a unit dimension. YES: an array with one cell must have a unit dimension

The table is from the study of Brent Davis and Moshe Renert in their article Mathematics-for-Teaching as Shared Dynamic Participation published in For the Learning of Mathematics. Vol. 29, No. 3. The table was constructed by a group of teachers who were doing a concept analysis about multiplication. Concept analysis involves tracing the origins and applications of a concept, looking at the different ways in which it appears both within and outside mathematics, and examining the various representations and definitions used to describe it and their consequences, (Usiskin et. al, 2003, p.1)

The Multiplication Models (Natural Math: Multiplication) also provides good visual for explaining multiplication.

You may also want to read How should students understand the subtraction operation?

Posted in Number Sense

Test your understanding of irrational numbers

The following is a set of tasks which I think are great questions for assessing understanding of irrational numbers. These tasks were from the study of Natasa Sirotic and Rina Zazkis. The responses were analysed in terms of algorithmic, formal, and intuitive knowledge described at the end of the post.

Set A

This set of tasks assesses the formal and intuitive knowledge about about the relative sizes of two infinite sets – rationals and irrationals.

  1. Which set do you think is “richer”, rationals or irrationals (i.e. which do we have more of)?
  2. Suppose you pick a number at random from [0,1] interval (on the real number line). What is the probability of getting a rational number?
Set B

This set assesses knowledge about how the rational and irrational numbers fit together in relation to the density of both sets.

  1. It is always possible to find a rational number between any two irrational numbers. Determine True or False and explain your thinking.
  2. It is always possible to find an irrational number between any two irrational numbers. Determine True or False and explain your thinking.
  3. It is always possible to find an irrational number between any two rational numbers. Determine True or False and explain your thinking. 
  4. It is always possible to find a rational number between any two rational numbers. Determine True or False and explain your thinking.
Set C

This set investigate knowledge of  the effects of operations between irrational numbers

  1. If you add two positive irrational numbers the result is always irrational. True or false? Explain your thinking.
  2. If you multiply two different irrational numbers the result is always irrational. True or false? Explain your thinking.

You may want to analyse the responses using Tirosh et al.’s (1998) dimensions of knowledge:

  • The algorithmic dimension is procedural in nature – it consists of the knowledge of rules and prescriptions with regard to a certain mathematical domain and it involves a learner’s capability to explain the successive steps involved in various standard operations.
  • The formal dimension is represented by definitions of concepts and structures relevant to a specific content domain, as well as by theorems and their proofs; it involves a learner’s capability to recall and implement definitions and theorems in a problem solving situation.
  • The intuitive dimension of knowledge (also referred to as intuitive knowledge) is composed of a learner’s intuitions, ideas and beliefs about mathematical entities, and it includes mental models used to represent number concepts and operations.

At the conclusion of the study, Sirotic and Zaskis reported this short exchange:

What do you think of the teacher’s answer?

You may want to share your responses to the questions in the comment section below.

Posted in Elementary School Math, Number Sense

Bob is learning calculation

Bob is an elementary school student. He is learning to calculate. He just learned about addition and multiplication but there are some things that he doesn’t understand. For example, how come 1+3 = 3 + 1? How can it be the same thought Bob? Every morning I have 1 piece of bread for breakfast while Dad has 3 pieces. If I have 3 pieces while Dad has 1 piece, I will be too full and Dad will be hungry?

When they added three numbers, Bob did not understand (1+2) + 1 = 1 + (2+1). Usually I like to drink 1 cup of coffee with 2 spoons of milk then afterwards have a piece of bread. I would not feel well if I first drink a cup of coffee then afterwards drink 2 spoons of milk while having 1 piece of bread. How come they are the same, thought Bob.

The most confusing part was after the lesson on fraction. Bob learned that 1/2 = 2/4. So when he got back home he tried to share 6 apples with his sister Linda. He divided the 6 apples into two groups – 2 apples in one group and 4 apples in another group.

apples, dividing apples

From the set of two apples he gave 1 to Linda. That’s 1/2. From the set of four apples, he took 2, that’s 2/4. It is equal he said. But Linda did not agree with him because she got 1 apple less that he. Bob thought, how can this be? Why would 1/2 = 2/4 not work for apples!

The next day, the teacher asked Bob to add 1/2 and 2/4? Bob wrote 1/2 + 2/4 = 3/6 because taking 1 apple from 2 apples then 2 apples from 4 apples, he must have taken a total of 3 apples from 6 apples!

This story is adapted from A Framework of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching by J. Li, X. Fan, and Y Zhui at the EARCOME5 2010 conference.

Point for reflection:

What has Bob missed about the meaning of addition of natural numbers? the meaning of fraction?

You may want to read the following posts about math knowledge for teaching:

Posted in Algebra, Number Sense

Line multiplication and the FOIL method

Line  multiplication is a nice activity for teaching multiplication especially for more than one-digit numbers. The method is shown in the figure. The horizontal line represents the number 13 where the top line represents the tens digit and the lines below it represents the ones digit. The lines are grouped according to their place value. The same is true for the number 22. To find the final answer, count the number of intersections and add them diagonally. Dr. James Tanton produced a video about line multiplication. Click the link to view.


James Tanton related this procedure to rectangle multiplication. For example, the problem 13 x 22 in rectangle multiplication is

#multiplicationIf this is done in class I would suggest that before you show the rectangle multiplication as explanation to the process of line multiplication it would be great to connect it first to counting problem. Instead of counting the points at each cluster by one by one, you can ask the class to find for a more efficient way of counting the points of intersections. It will not take long for students to think of multiplying the array of points in each cluster. Given time I’m sure students could even ‘invent’ the rectangle multiplication themselves. Inventing and generalizing procedures are very important math habits of mind.

Line multiplication or counting intersections of sets of parallel lines is generalizable. You can ask your students to show the product of (a+b)(c+d) using this technique. The answer is shown in the figure below. Note that like rectangle multiplication this can be extended to more than two terms in each factor also. This is much better than the FOIL method which is restricted to binomials. I’m not a fan of FOIL method especially if it is taught and not discovered by the students themselves. Through this line multiplication activity I think they can discover that shortcut.
