Posted in Curriculum Reform

Mathematical habits of mind

Learning mathematics is not just about knowing, understanding, and applying its concepts, principles and all the associated mathematical procedures and algorithms. It’s not just even about  acquiring the capacity to solve problem,  to reason, and to communicate. It is about making these capacities part of students’ thinking habits. It is only then that one can be said to be mathematically literate.

The test for example that solving problem is no longer just a skill but has become part of students thinking habit is when students are doing it without the teachers still having to ask “Can you explain why you solve it that way?” or “Can you do it another way?” Those should be automatic to students.

“A habit is any activity that is so well established that it occurs without thought on the part of the individual.”

Here’s is a list of important mathematical habits of mind that I believe every teacher should aim for in any mathematics lesson.

Habit #1: Searching for Patterns

Students should develop the habit of

  • generating cases and generalizing patterns
  • looking-out for short-cuts that arise from patterns in calculations
  • investigating special cases, extreme cases from patterns observed

Habit #2: Reasoning

Students should develop the habit of

  • explaining the positions they take
  • providing mathematical evidence/justification for the conjectures or generalizations they make
  • testing conjectures by generating cases both special and extreme
  • justifying why a generalization will work for all cases or for some cases only

Habit #3: Solving and posing problems

Students should develop the habit of

  • always looking for alternative solutions to problems
  • extending problems and solutions to more general case
  • solving problems algebraically, geometrically, numerically
  • asking clarifying and extending questions

Habit # 4: Making connections

Students should develop the habit of

  • Linking algebra, number, geometry, statistics and probability
  • Finding/devising equivalent representations of the same concept
  • Linking math concepts to real-world situation

Habit #5: Communicating mathematically

Students should develop the habit of

  • using appropriate notation and representation
  • noticing faulty, incomplete or misleading use of numbers

Habit #6: Reflecting and self-directing learning

Habit is a cable

All these are only possible  in an environment where students are engage in problem solving and mathematical investigation tasks.

If you want to know more about mathematical thinking, the books below are great read.

Posted in Trigonometry

Trigonometry – why study triangles

Why study trigonometry?

We study Trigonometry because it is useful. Its earliest and simplest use is to find the missing part of a triangle. But mathematicians do not just study something because it is useful. More often, they study something because it is fascinating. This fascination with triangles especially in the measure of it sides and angles has developed into a coherent piece of mathematical knowledge we now call trigonometry.

Why not quadrinometry?

What is so special about triangles? Why did mathematicians created a branch of mathematics devoted to the study of it? Why not quadrinometry? Quadrilaterals, by its variety are far more interesting. Not only that, each piece of shape is related to another piece. If you know quadrilateral, you’ll know about the rest of the quadrilaterals. But this is also precisely the reason why we study trigonometry, why we study triangles. If you know it, you’ll know about any polygon not just quadrilaterals. Any polygon can be dissected into pieces of triangles! Try dissecting any of these shapes:

What’s with right triangles?

There are different kinds or shapes of triangles. In terms of angles we have equiangular, acute, obtuse, and right triangles. Why is it that we devote so much time studying about right triangles in trigonometry? Try dissecting the other triangles and you’ll know why if you know about right triangles, you’ll know about the other triangles!.












Here’s a bonus reason: when you study triangles, you don’t need to deal with nonconvex ones!
Click Teaching trigonometry through problem solving for a sample lesson on teaching trigonometry in presentation format.

I created a worksheet for the activities on classifying and dissecting polygons. Click the link.

Posted in What is mathematics

why study mathematics

Mathematics is a language that can communicate visually and symbolically. It can express ideas that other languages cannot articulate with conciseness, clarity and precision. Mathematics is also a way of thinking that can empower an individual to be critical, creative, logical and methodical. Mathematics is a language and a way of thinking that everybody can and must learn.

Most mathematical concepts and principles developed from the need of humankind to understand, solve, and investigate problems in his day-to-day activities. In the present society, mathematics is one of the most powerful tool in understanding, and investigating problems in the real-world. This power of mathematics is due to the very nature of this discipline: it is both a language and a way of thinking.