Posted in Elementary School Math, Number Sense

How to scaffold algebraic thinking in teaching integers

One way to make algebra make sense to students is to show where those mathematics objects (e.g. algebraic expressions/equations/formula) come from. It will even makes sense more to students if they themselves can generate those objects. As John Mason puts it,

The mechanics of algebra (algebraic manipulation) are concerned with studying the effects of combining, undoing and otherwise relating expressions. These make little or no sense unless learners have themselves gained facility in generating expressions so that they know how they arise.  – from Actions and Objects by John Mason.

Generating expressions helps develop algebraic thinking. There are many ways of of embedding this in your teaching. For example with equations, you can ask the students to find as many equations given a solution. Read the post on how to teach the properties of equality on how this can be done. My post about teaching algebraic expressions also shows an example of a task that generates several equivalent algebraic expressions from the same problem situation. Generating formulas by deriving it from other expressions can also be a good activity.  Examples of these is deriving the formula of the area of the triangle from parallelogram/ rectangle and then from these deriving the area of trapezoids. These type of activities help develop students algebraic thinking skills.

Now, how can we do this generating expressions in earlier grades? Let me describe a lesson I taught to a class of year 6 students. This lesson is a continuation of the lesson on teaching integers via the number line with a twist. In that lesson, instead of asking student to arrange numbers, I asked them to arrange number expressions. From there we were able to extend the numbers they know (whole numbers) to now include the negative numbers. The main aim of that lesson is to extend the students’ concept image of negative number from a number that can be used to represent situation (see post on a problem solving approach for introducing integers) to a number that results when you take away a bigger number from a smaller number.

In this lesson with negative numbers, zero, and positive numbers on the number line, I can now proceed to defining integers or perhaps compare integers. But what will the students learn from that except that they are called integers? If I ask them to compare the numbers what good is that at this point? Where will they use that knowledge? So the task that I gave  them in this lesson was to make as many number expressions whose answer corresponds to the numbers in the number line. Note that this task is an open-ended problem solving task. Below is a sample student solution.

When I asked the class to share their answers I was surprised that they did not restrict themselves to addition and subtraction operation.

With the data shown on the board (pardon my handwriting) I asked them to make some observations and generalizations. They gave the following:

1. It is easy to make number expressions when the answer should be positive.

2. You always get a negative if you subtract a bigger number from a smaller number.

3. You always get a zero if you subtract equal numbers. (If you think this knowledge easily transfer to negatives, you’re wrong. I did try my luck when I asked them “is it also true to -7 – (-7)?”. I got blank stares. Clearly the expression it is still beyond them.

If these are not powerful mathematics to you especially #2 and well, #3, I don’t know what they are. Anyway, the point of my story here is that it is good practice to ask students to generate expressions. It is like asking them to think of a problem given the solution, a highly recommended  mathematics teaching practice.

Posted in Algebra

Teaching algebraic expressions – Counting smileys

This is an introductory lesson for teaching the concept of variable and algebraic expressions through problem solving. The problem solving task combines numerical, geometric, and algebraic thinking.  The figure below shows the standard version of the task. Of course some easier versions would ask for the 5th figure, then perhaps 10th figure, then the 100th figure, and then finally for the nth figure. This actually depends on the mathematical maturity of the students.

An alternative version which I strongly encourage that teachers should try is to simply show first the diagrams only (see below).

Study the figures from left to right. How is it growing? Can you think of systematic ways of counting the number of smileys for a particular “Y” that belongs to the group? This way it will be the students who will think of which quantity (maybe the number of smileys in the trunk of the Y or the position of the figure) they could represent with n.The students are also given chance to study the figures, what is common among them, and how they are related to one another. These are important mathematical thinking experiences. They teach the students to be analytical and to be always on the lookout for patterns and relationships. These are important mathematical habits of mind.

Here are possible ways of counting the number of smileys: The n represents the figure number or the number of smiley at the trunk.

1. Comparing the smileys at the trunk and those at the branches.

In this solution, the smileys at the branches is one less than those at the trunk. But there are two branches so to count the number of smileys, add the smileys at the trunk which is n to those at the two branches, each with (n-1) smileys. Hence, the algebraic expression representing the number of smileys at the nth figure is n+2(n-1).

2. Identifying the common feature of the Y’s.

The Y’s have a smiley at the center and has three branches with equal number of smileys. In Fig 1, there are no smiley. In Fig 2, there is one smiley at each branch. In fact in a particular figure, the number of smileys at the branches is (n-1), where n is the figure number. Hence the algebraic expression representing the number of smileys is 1+ 3(n-1).

3. Completing the Y’s.

This is one of my favorite strategy for counting and for solving problems about area. This kind of thinking of completing something into a figure that makes calculation easier and then removing what were added is applicable to many problems in mathematics. By adding one smiley at each of the branches, the number of smileys becomes equal to that at the trunk. If n represents the smileys at the trunk (it could also be the figure number) then the algebraic representation for counting the number of smilesy needed to build the Y figure with n smiley at each branches and trunk is 3n-2, 2 being the number of smileys added.

4. Who says you’re stuck with Y”s?

This is why I love mathematics. It makes you think outside the box. The task is to count smileys. It didn’t say you can not change or transform the figure. So in this solution the smileys are arrange into an array. With a rectangular array (note that two smileys were added to make a rectangle), it would be easy to count the smileys. The base is kept at 3 smileys and the height corresponds to the figure number. Hence the algebraic expression is (3xn)-2 or 3n-2.

The solutions show different visualization of the diagram, different but equivalent algebraic expressions, and all yielding the same solution. Of course there are other solutions like making a table of values but if the objective is to give meaning to algebraic symbols, operations, and processes, it’s best to use the visuals.

A more challenging activity involved Counting Hexagons. Click the link if you want to try it with your class.

Posted in Algebra

Teach for conceptual and practical understanding

Whit Ford left this comment on my post Curriculum Change and Understanding by Design: What are they solving? He makes a lot of sense. I just have to share it.

I believe the method of planning lessons is less important than WHAT you are asking the students to think about. Most Algebra I and II texts I have come across suffer severely from “elementitis” (see “Making Learning Whole” by David Perkins), which makes it very challenging for teacher to convey “the whole game” to students while still following the text. For example…

A teacher who is talking about how to “collect like terms” is not going to motivate the students as much as one who succeeds in relating this to a more interesting and complex problem which is related to student’s daily lives in some way. This is a HUGE challenge when teaching mathematical abstractions, one I am struggling with as I prepare to teach the first semester of Algebra I using a traditional text. However, it does lead to some interesting potential exercises:

– Ask students to give you examples of two objects in their lives (or in the room). Chances are you will get answers like two apples, two desks, two eyes, etc. Note these on the board as students mention them, then ask… so do you ever come across “two” all by itself? The answer is NO – “two” is an abstract concept, one which we apply constantly in our daily lives, but an abstraction nevertheless.

– So how do we come up with “two” of something? By finding them, collecting them, putting them together, etc. The abstraction of this process is what we have called “addition”. But what kinds of things can you add together and have it make sense? A foot and another foot – certainly. An apple and a pear – only if you recast each as “a fruit” – then you have “two pieces of fruit”. A meter and three centimeters – only if you recast each in the same units – then you have “103 centimeters”. So what is to be learned from this process? We can only add “like” things together, or quantities that are measured in the same units, if the answer is to make any sense. Addition certainly lets us add the quantities of one apple and one pear… 1+1=2, but 2 of what? The answer must make sense in the real world, and the abstract process of adding abstract quantities does not always result in a useful answer.

– So what about 2x+3y? We have two of “x” and 3 of “y”. Can we simplify this abstract expression? Until we know what “x” and “y” represent, until we have been given values for each of them (with units), we don’t even know if adding them together will produce an answer that makes any sense (see apples and pears above). Furthermore, since we have differing quantities of each, we will have to postpone combining them until we know values for each variable (since one value must be doubled, while the other must be tripled). On the other hand, if the problem were 2x+3x, we are being asked to assemble two and three of the same quantity “x”… intuitively, this MUST be 5 of the same quantity “x” – no matter what quantity and units “x” represents, since the units of both terms will always be the same.

I am hoping that such approach (extended considerably with more examples and practice) will begin to build both a conceptual and a practical understanding of the mathematical abstraction “like terms”, along with how to combine them when they occur… yet, this is just ONE of the many topics covered at a very procedural level by most Algebra I texts. Our challenge is to get students to understand the forest, when the textbook spends most of its time talking about trees.

His post Learning the Game of Learning is a good read, too.

You may also want to check-out my post on combining algebraic expressions . It links conceptual and procedural understanding and engages students in problem posing and problem solving tasks.

Posted in Assessment, Curriculum Reform, Elementary School Math, High school mathematics, Number Sense

Assessing conceptual understanding of integers

Assessing students’ understanding of operations involving integers should not just include assessing their skill in adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing integers. Equally important is their conceptual understanding of the process itself and thus need assessing as well. Even more important is to make the assessment process  a context where students are given opportunity to connect previously learned concepts (this is the essence of assessment for learning). Because the study of integers is a pre-algebra topic, the tasks should also give opportunity to engage students in reasoning, number sense  and algebraic thinking. The tasks below meet these criteria. These tasks can also be used to teach mathematics through problem solving.

The purpose of Task 1 is to encourage students to reason in more general way. That is why the cells are not visible. Of course students can solve this problem by making a table first but that is not the most ideal solution.

adding integers
Task 1 – gridless addition table of integers

A standard way of assessing operations involving integers is to ask the students to perform the operation. Task 2 is different. it is more interested in engaging students in reasoning and in developing their number and operation sense.

subtracting integers
Task 2 – algebraic thinking and reasoning in numbers

Task 3 is an example of a task with many possible solutions.  Asking students to find a relation between the values in Box A and Box B links operations with integers to the study of varying quantities or quantitative relationship which are fundamental concepts in algebra.

Task 3 – Integers and Variables

More readings about algebraic thinking:

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