Posted in Geometry

Unpacking mathematics – a geometry example

Engineers, mathematicians, and mathematics teachers all deal with mathematics but it is only the math teacher who talks about math to non-mathspeakers and initiate them to ‘mathspeak’. To do this, the math teachers should be able to ‘unpack’ for the students the mathematics that mathematicians for years have been so busy ‘packing’ (generalising  and abstracting) so that these learners will learn to do the basics of packing by themselves. This is in fact the real job description of a mathematics teacher. I won’t comment about the remuneration as this is not this blog is about. I thought it would be best for me to continue sharing about the ways we can unpack some of the important ideas in mathematics as this is the mission of this blog. Just in case you haven’t read the blog description, this blog is not about making mathematics easy because math is not so stop telling your students that it is because that makes you a big liar. What we should try to do as math teacher is to make math make sense because it does. This means that your lesson should be organised and orchestrated in a way that shows math does makes sense by making your lesson coherent and the concepts connected.

Today I was observing a group of teachers working on a math problem and then examining sample students solutions. The problem is shown below:

congruent triangles

The teachers were in agreement that there is no way that their own students will be able to make the proof even if they know how to prove congruent triangles and know the properties of a parallelogram. They will not think of making the connection between the concepts involved. I thought their concerns are legitimate but I thought the problem is so beautiful (even if the way it is presented is enough to scare the wits out of the learners) that it would be a shame not to give the learners the chance to solve this problem. So what’s my solution to this dilemma? Don’t give that problem right away. You need to unpack it for the learners. How? To prove that AFCE is a parallelogram, learners need to know at least one condition for what makes it a parallelogram. To be able to do that they need to know how to prove triangle congruence hence they need to be revised on it. To be able to see the necessity of triangle congruence in proving the above problem, learners need to see the triangles as part of the parallelogram. So how should the lesson proceed?

Below is an applet I developed that teachers can use to initiate their learners in the business of making proofs where they apply their knowledge of proving triangles and properties of quadrilaterals, specifically to solving problems similar to the above problem.  Explore the applet below. Note the order of the task. You start with Task 1 where the point in the slider is positioned at the left endpoint. Task 2 should have the point positioned at the right end point. You can have several questions in this task. Task 3 should have the point between the endpoints of the slider. Of course you can also present this using static figures but the power of using a dynamic one like the geogebra applet below not only will make it interesting but the learners sees how the tasks are related.

Task 1

  1. What do the markings in the diagram tell you about the figure ABCD? What kind of shape is ABCD? Tell us how you know.
  2. Do you think the two triangles formed by the diagonals are congruent? Can you prove your claim?

Task 2 – Which pairs of triangles are congruent? Prove your claims

Task 3 – What can you say about the shape of AFCE? Prove your claim.

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Here’s the link to the applet  Parallelogram Problem

Note that Task 3 has about 4 different solutions corresponding to the properties of a parallelogram. I will show it in my future post.

More of this type: Convert a Boring Geometry Problem to Exploratory Version

Posted in Geogebra, Geometry

Problem on proving perpendicular segments

This problem is a model created to solve the problem posed in the lesson Collapsible.

In the figure CF = FB = FE. If C is moved along CB, describe the paths of F and E. Explain or prove that they are so.

This problem can be explored using GeoGebra applet.  Click this link to explore before you read on.

perpendicular segments

One way to prove that FC is a straight line and perpendicular to AC is to show that FC is a part of a right triangle. To do this to let x be the measure of FCB. Because FCB is an isosceles triangle, FBC and CFB is (180-2x).  This implies that EFB is 180-2x being supplementary to CFB thus CFB must be 2x. Triangle EFB is an isosceles triangle so FBC must be (180-2x)/2. Adding CFB and FBC we have x+ (180-2x)/2 which simplifies to 90. Thus, EB is perpendicular to CB.

The path of F of course is circular with FB as radius.


Posted in What is mathematics

The heart of mathematics

Axioms, theorems, proofs, definitions, methods, are just some of the sacred words in mathematics. These words command respect and create awe  especially to mathematicians but deliver shock to many students. P.R. Halmos argued that not even one of these sacred words is the heart of mathematics. Then, what is? Problem solving. Solving problems is at the heart of mathematics.

Indeed, can you imagine mathematics without problem solving? It might as well be dead! But why is it that problem solving tasks are relegated as end of lesson activity? When it’s almost end of the term and the teacher’s in a hurry to finish their budget of work, the first to go are the problem solving activities. And when time allows the teacher to engage students in problems solving, the typical teaching sequence goes like this based on my observation in many math classes and from the teaching plans made by teachers.

  1. Teacher reviews the computational procedures needed to solve the problem.
  2. Teacher solves a sample problem first usually very neatly and algebraically (especially in high school)
  3. Teacher asks the class to solve a similar problem using the teacher’s solution
  4. Students practice solving problems using the teacher’s method.

Even textbooks are organized this way!In this strategy, students are given problem solving tasks only after having learned all the concepts and skills needed to solve the problem. Most often than not, they are also shown a sample method for solving the problem before they are given a set of similar problems to work on. I will not even call this a problem solving activity/lesson. How can a problem be a problem if you already know how to solve it? Of course, this particular strategy also gives the students the opportunity to deepen, consolidate and synthesize the new math concepts they just learned. But it also deprives them the opportunity to engage in real problem solving where they themselves figure out methods for solving the problem and using knowledge they already possess.

Another approach to increase students engagement with problem solving is to teach mathematics through problem solving.