Posted in Algebra

Teaching algebraic expressions – Counting smileys

This is an introductory lesson for teaching the concept of variable and algebraic expressions through problem solving. The problem solving task combines numerical, geometric, and algebraic thinking.  The figure below shows the standard version of the task. Of course some easier versions would ask for the 5th figure, then perhaps 10th figure, then the 100th figure, and then finally for the nth figure. This actually depends on the mathematical maturity of the students.

An alternative version which I strongly encourage that teachers should try is to simply show first the diagrams only (see below).

Study the figures from left to right. How is it growing? Can you think of systematic ways of counting the number of smileys for a particular “Y” that belongs to the group? This way it will be the students who will think of which quantity (maybe the number of smileys in the trunk of the Y or the position of the figure) they could represent with n.The students are also given chance to study the figures, what is common among them, and how they are related to one another. These are important mathematical thinking experiences. They teach the students to be analytical and to be always on the lookout for patterns and relationships. These are important mathematical habits of mind.

Here are possible ways of counting the number of smileys: The n represents the figure number or the number of smiley at the trunk.

1. Comparing the smileys at the trunk and those at the branches.

In this solution, the smileys at the branches is one less than those at the trunk. But there are two branches so to count the number of smileys, add the smileys at the trunk which is n to those at the two branches, each with (n-1) smileys. Hence, the algebraic expression representing the number of smileys at the nth figure is n+2(n-1).

2. Identifying the common feature of the Y’s.

The Y’s have a smiley at the center and has three branches with equal number of smileys. In Fig 1, there are no smiley. In Fig 2, there is one smiley at each branch. In fact in a particular figure, the number of smileys at the branches is (n-1), where n is the figure number. Hence the algebraic expression representing the number of smileys is 1+ 3(n-1).

3. Completing the Y’s.

This is one of my favorite strategy for counting and for solving problems about area. This kind of thinking of completing something into a figure that makes calculation easier and then removing what were added is applicable to many problems in mathematics. By adding one smiley at each of the branches, the number of smileys becomes equal to that at the trunk. If n represents the smileys at the trunk (it could also be the figure number) then the algebraic representation for counting the number of smilesy needed to build the Y figure with n smiley at each branches and trunk is 3n-2, 2 being the number of smileys added.

4. Who says you’re stuck with Y”s?

This is why I love mathematics. It makes you think outside the box. The task is to count smileys. It didn’t say you can not change or transform the figure. So in this solution the smileys are arrange into an array. With a rectangular array (note that two smileys were added to make a rectangle), it would be easy to count the smileys. The base is kept at 3 smileys and the height corresponds to the figure number. Hence the algebraic expression is (3xn)-2 or 3n-2.

The solutions show different visualization of the diagram, different but equivalent algebraic expressions, and all yielding the same solution. Of course there are other solutions like making a table of values but if the objective is to give meaning to algebraic symbols, operations, and processes, it’s best to use the visuals.

A more challenging activity involved Counting Hexagons. Click the link if you want to try it with your class.

Posted in Number Sense

Teaching algebraic thinking without the x’s

Students need not wait till they meet Mr. x to learn about algebra. In fact, the best way to learn about algebra is to learn it while there aren’t x’s yet; when all the learners need to deal with are concepts that still make sense to them. Here is a list of tips and ways for teaching algebraic thinking as pupils learn about numbers and number operations.

1. Vary the “orientations” of the way you write number sentences.

For example, 5 + 20 = 25 can be written as 25 = 5 + 20. The first expression is about ‘doing math’, the second engages students about ‘thinking about the math’, the different representations of the number 25. The thinking involved in the second one is ‘algebraic’.

2. Be mindful of the meaning of equal sign

If you want to ask your learners to find, for example, the sum of 15 plus 6, do not write 15 + 6 =___. It’s a recipe for misconception of the meaning of equal sign. I recommend: What numbers is the same as (or equal to) 15 + 6? Better, What number phrases are the same as (or equal to) 15 + 6? This last one promotes algebraic thinking.

3. Encourage learners to generalize. Continue reading “Teaching algebraic thinking without the x’s”

Posted in High school mathematics, Lesson Study

Pedagogical Content Knowledge Map for Integers

I’m working with a group of Year 7 mathematics teachers doing Lesson Study for the first time. The teachers chose to do a lesson study for what they believe to be the most difficult topic in this year level – integers. Part of my preparation as facilitator is to draw a map of what I know about teaching the topic. The map is more than a concept map because it includes not just related big ideas or concepts but also how  these are taught and learned. Hence, I call this pedagogical content knowledge map (PCK map).

The PCK map I present here is a product of my own readings and my own experiences of teaching the topic. This means that it may not be the same as other teachers especially the ‘teaching part’ of the map, the ones in orange colors. For example, experience and research results back my claim that the number line is a very good way of representing the set of integers but not in teaching operations. Click here for my post about this. Notice that I gave emphasis on students knowing when a negative, a positive or a zero result rather than the rules for operation. I believe that without this, a conceptual understanding of the operation involving integers will be weak. Also, experience has taught me that although integers are numbers, the teaching of it must be algebraic. The instructions should be so designed so that students are learning algebraic thinking as well. I have noted this in the PCK map.

The map is not yet complete. I intend to include descriptions of effective activities and students’ learning trajectory of the concept after my research with the teachers. Please feel free to give your comments and share experiences for teaching integers that I could look into in my study.

pedagogical content knowledge
PCK Map for Integers

Please click the link to see my PCK map for Algebraic Expressions.

Posted in Algebra, Curriculum Reform

Algebraic thinking in algebra

Algebraic thinking is an approach to thinking about quantitative situations in general and relational manner. This kind of thinking is optimized by a considerable understanding of the objects of algebra, a disposition to think in generality, and engagement in high-level tasks which provide contexts for applying and investigating mathematics and the real-world.

big ideas in algebra
Ingredients in Algebraic Thinking
Objects of Algebra

The objects are the content of algebra which I classify into three overlapping categories. The first category and the most basic are those for representing changing and unchanging quantities and relationships. These include the idea of variables, numbers, graphs, equations, matrices, etc. The second category are ideas for working with unknown quantities which involve solving equations and inequalities under which are linear equations and inequalities in one variable, systems of linear equations and inequalities, exponential equations, quadratic, trigonometric equations, etc. The third and last category involves the ideas for investigating relationships between changing quantities which include directly and inversely proportional relationships; relationships with constant rate of change; relationships with changing rate of change; relationships involving exponential growth and decay; periodic relationships, etc.

Thinking dispositions

Knowledge of algebraic content do not necessarily translate in algebraic thinking. Computational fluency in simplifying, transforming, and generating expression for example, while important, do not necessarily involve a person in algebraic thinking if one is doing it for its own sake. Thinking processes that contribute to the development of algebraic thinking are those that require purposeful representations of quantities and relationships, multiple interpretations of representations, finding structures, and generalization of patterns, operations and procedures. These should become part of students’ thinking disposition.

High level tasks

The higher-order tasks in mathematics  include problem solving, mathematical investigations (sometimes referred to also as open-ended problem solving tasks), and modeling.