Posted in Algebra, High school mathematics

PCK Map for Algebraic Expressions

When I design instruction or plan a lesson I always start with making a map of everything I know about the subject. The map below is an example of a map I made for algebraic expressions. I won’t call it a conceptual map because it’s only the left part of it (the ones in black text) which deals with the concept of algebraic expressions. Those at the right (in red texts) describe what I know about the requisites of good teaching of algebraic expressions including my knowledge about students’ misconceptions and difficulties in this topic. Maybe, I should just call this kind of map, PCK Map, for pedagogical content knowledge map.

Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) Map for Algebraic Expressions

I find doing the PCK Map a useful exercise because it helps me link concepts, synthesize my teaching knowledge about the topic, not leave out important ideas in the course of the teaching and of course in planning the details of the lesson especially in the selection of activity/tasks and in framing questions for discussions.  I also find it useful in evaluating my teaching of the unit.

There are two ways a PCK Map can be enriched: (1) use Google (alright, go to the library and see what experts think are important to cover in the topic, they’re also outlined in the Standard) and (2), after each lesson or at the end of the unit, write your new knowledge about the topic especially students misconceptions and difficulties and how it can be addressed next time.

Click this link to see a the lesson plan I made based on the PCK Map. The lesson is about teaching combining algebraic expressions via a mathematical investigation activity.

Posted in Elementary School Math, High school mathematics, Number Sense

Teaching positive and negative numbers

A popular approach for teaching numbers is to use it to describe a property of an object or a set of object. For example, numbers are used to describe the amount or quantity of fruits in a basket.

In introducing integers, teachers and textbooks presents integers as a set of numbers that can be used to describe both the quantity and quality of an object or idea. Contexts involving opposites are very popular situations to show the uses and importance of positive and negative numbers and the meaning of its symbols. For example, a teacher can tell the class that +5 represents going 5 floors up and -5 represents going five floors down from an initial position.

Mathematics is a language and a way of thinking and should therefore be experienced by students as such. As a language, math is presented as having its own set of symbols and “grammar” much like our spoken and written languages that we use to describe a thing, an experience or an idea.But apart from being a language, mathematics is also a way of thinking. The only way for students to learn how to think is for them to engage them in it!  Here’s my proposed activity for teaching positive and negative numbers that engages students in higher-level thinking as well.

Sort the following situations according to some categories

  1. 3o below zero
  2. 52 m below sea level
  3. $1000 net gain
  4. $5000 withdrawal from ATM machine
  5. $1000 deposit in savings account
  6. 3 kg weight loss
  7. 2 kg weight gain
  8. 80 m above sea level
  9. 37o above zero
  10. $2000 net loss

The task may seem like an ordinary sorting task but notice that the categories are not given. Students have to make their own way of grouping the situations. They can only do this after analyzing each situation, noting commonalities and differences.

Possible solutions:

1.  Distance vs money (some students may consider the reading the thermometer under distance since its about the “length” of mercury from the “base”)

2. Based on type of quantities: amount of money, temperature, mass, length

3. Based on contrasting sense: weight gain vs weight loss, above zero vs below zero, etc.

The last solution is what you want. With very little help you can guide students to come-up with the solution below.

Of course, one may wonder why make the students go through all these. Why not just tell them? Why not give the categories? Well,  mathematics is not in the curriculum because we want students to just learn mathematics. More importantly, we want our students to think critically and creatively hence we need to give them learning experiences that develops good thinking habits. Mathematics is a very good context for learning these.

Here are my other posts about integers:

Posted in Algebra, Assessment, High school mathematics

Algebra test items – Graphs of rational functions

TIMSS (Trends in international Math and Science Study) classifies test items in terms of cognitive domains namely, Knowing facts, procedures, concepts; Applying the facts, procedures and concepts usually in a routine problem solving task; and, Reasoning. Click here for detailed descriptions of each.

In my earlier post about this topic on using the TIMSS Assessment Framework for constructing test items I presented a set of questions about zeros of cubic polynomial function. Here are three more test items about graphs of rational function based on the framework. Note that questions should be independent of each other, that is, an answer in one item should not serve as clue to the other items. I only used the same rational function here to highlight the differences among the cognitive domains – knowing, applying, reasoning.


What may be the equation of the graph below?



The graph above the x-axis is function f and the graph below the x-axis is function g.  Which of the following equations describes the relationships between f and g?

a. g(x) = f(-x)              b. g(x) = f-1(x)                c. g(x) = f-1(-x)                d. g(x) = -f(x)              e. g(x) = /f(x)/


Carlo drew the figure below by graphing two functions on the same coordinate axes. The graph on the left is f(x) = 4/x2. Which of the following function is represented by the other graph on the right (the blue one)?

a. g(x)=\frac {4}{x^2}        b. g(x)=4+\frac {4}{x^2}        c. g(x)=\frac {4}{(x-2)^2}       d. g(x)=\frac {4}{(x-4)^2}                                   e. g(x)=\frac {4}{(x+4)^2}

All the graphs in these post were made using Geogebra graphing software. It’s a free graphing tool you can download here.

Posted in Algebra, High school mathematics, Math investigations

Teaching combining algebraic expressions with conceptual understanding

In Math investigation about polygons and algebraic expressions I presented possible problems that students can explore. In this post, I will share some ideas on how the simple investigation of drawing polygons with the same area can be used as an introductory lesson to teach operations with algebraic expressions with meaning and understanding. Like the rest of the lessons in this blog, this lesson is not so just about learning the math but also making sense of the math and engaging students in problem solving.

The lesson consists of four problem solving tasks to scaffold  learning of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing algebraic expression with conceptual understanding.

Problem 1 – What are the different ways can you find the area of each polygons? Write an algebraic expression that would represent each of your method.

The diagram below are just some of the ways students can find the area of the polygons.

1. by counting each square
2. by dissecting the polygons into parts of a rectangle
3. by completing the polygon into a square or rectangle and take away parts included in the counting
4. by use of formula

The solutions can be represented by the algebraic expressions written below each polygon. Draw the students’ attention to the fact that each of these polygons have the same area of 5x^2 and that all the seven expressions are equal to5x^2 also.

Multiple representations of the same algebraic expressions

Problem 2 – (Ask students to draw polygons with a given area using algebraic expressions with two terms like in the above figure. For example a polygon with area 6x^2-x^2.

Problem 3 – (Ask students to do operations. For example 4.5x^2-x^2.)

Note: Whatever happens, do not give the rule.

Problem 4 – Extension: Draw polygons with area 6xy on an x by y unit grid.

These problem solving tasks not only links geometry and algebra but also concepts and procedures. The lesson also engages students in problem solving and in visualizing solutions and shapes. Visualization is basic to abstraction.

There’s nothing that should prevent you from extending the problem to 3-D. You may want to ask students to show the algebraic expression for calculating the surface area of  solids made of five cubes each with volume x^3. I used Google SketchUp to draw the 3-D models.

some possible shapes made of 5 cubes

Point for reflection

In what way does the lesson show that mathematics is a language?