Posted in Mathematics education, Teaching mathematics

Three Levels of Math Teachers Expertise

Level 1 – Teaching by telling

The teachers at Level 1 can only tell students the important basic ideas of mathematics such as facts, concepts, and procedures. These teachers are more likely to teach by telling. For example in teaching students about the set of integers they start by defining what integers are and then give students examples of these numbers. They give them the rules for performing operations on these numbers and then provide students exercises for mastery of skills. I’m not sure if they wonder later why students forget what they learn after a couple of days.

Levels of teaching

Level 2 – Teaching by explaining

Math teachers at Level 2 can explain the meanings and reasons of the important ideas of mathematics in order for students to understand them. For example, in explaining the existence of negative numbers, teachers at this level can think of the different situations where these numbers are useful. They can use models like the number line to show how negative numbers and the whole numbers are related. They can show also how the operations are performed either using the number patterns or through the jar model using the + and – counters or some other method. However these teachers are still more likely to do the demonstrating and the one to do the explaining why a particular procedure is such and why it works. The students are still passive recipients of the teachers expert knowledge.

Level 3 – Teaching based on students’ independent work

At the third and highest level are teachers who can provide students opportunities to understand the basic ideas, and support their learning so that the students become independent learners. Teachers at this level have high respect and expectation of their students ability. These teachers can design tasks that would engage students in making sense of mathematics and reasoning with mathematics. They know how to support problem solving activity without necessarily doing the solving of the problems for their students.

The big difference between the teacher at Level 2 and teachers at Level 3 is the the extent of use of students’ ideas and thinking in the development of the lesson. Teachers at level 3 can draw out students ideas and use it in the lesson. If you want to know more about teacher knowledge read Categories of teacher’s knowledge. You can also check out the math lessons in this blog for sample. They are not perfect but they are good enough sample. Warning: a good lesson plan is important but equally important is the way the teacher will facilitate the lesson.

Mathematical Proficiency

The goal of mathematics instruction is to help students become proficient in mathematics. The National Research Council defines ‘mathematical proficiency’ to be made up of the following intertwined strands:

  1. Conceptual understanding – comprehension of mathematical concepts, operations, and relations
  2. Procedure fluency – skill in carrying out procedure flexibly, accurately, efficiently, and appropriately
  3. Strategic competence – ability to formulate, represent, and solve mathematical problems
  4. Adaptive reasoning – capacity for logical thought , reflection, explanation, and justification
  5. Productive disposition – habitual inclination to see mathematics as sensible, useful, and worthwhile, coupled with a belief in diligence and one’s own efficacy. (NRC, 2001, p.5)

I think it will be very hard to achieve these proficiencies if teachers will not be supported to attain Level 3 teaching I described above. No one graduates from a teacher-training institution with a Level 3 expertise. One of the professional development teachers can engage to upgrade and update themselves is lesson study. The  book by Catherine Lewis will be a good guide: Lesson Study: Step by step guide to improving instruction.

Posted in Algebra

Why negative times a negative is positive

Among the ‘rules’ for working with negative numbers,  the most counter intuitive is “negative times a negative is a positive”. It is easily forgotten especially if it was learned by rote. It is also not an easy ‘rule’ to make sense of so it needs to be learned with conceptual understanding. Here’s my proposed lesson for teaching multiplication of integers. This lesson takes from the lesson Subtracting integers using tables- Part 1 and Algebraic thinking and subtracting integers – Part 2. Note that this lesson like the rest of the lessons in this blog is not just about students learning the math but more about them engaging in mathematical thinking processes such as searching for patterns, making generalization, reasoning, making connections, etc.

Set the task

Fill up this table  by multiplying the numbers in the first column to the number in the first row. Start filling up the rows or columns you think would be easier to do.

For discussion purposes divide the table into 4 quadrants. The top right quadrant is Quadrant 1, top left is Quadrant 2, bottom left is Quadrant 3, and bottom right is Quadrant 4. This is also one way of leading the students to consider filling-up the quadrants according to their number label.

Explore, Observe, Explain why

Students are more likely to fill-up Quadrant 1 because the numbers to be multiplied are both positive. The next quadrant they are more likely to fill-up is Quadrant 2 or 4. You may want to give the following questions to scaffold their thinking: What do you observe about the row of numbers in Quadrant 1? How can it help you fill up quadrant 2? Do the numbers you put in Quadrant 2 make sense? What does 3 x -2 mean? What about in Quadrant 4? 

From Quadrant 2 students are more likely to fill up Quadrant 3 or Quadrant 4 by invoking the pattern. Questions for discussion:   Do the numbers in Quadrant 4 make sense? What does -3 x 2 mean? This is one way of making the students be aware that commutativity holds in the set of integers. The problematic part are the numbers in Quadrant 3. None of the previous arguments are useful to justify why negative times negative is positive except by following the patterns. But this explanation will be enough for most students. You can also use the explanation below.

Revisit the rule when teaching another topic

We know that 8 x 8 = 64. This means that (10-2)(10-2)=64.  By distributive property, (10-2)(10-2)= 100+-2(10) + – 2(10)+ ____ = 64. Previously students learned that -2(10)= 20. Hence, 100 + -40+___= 64. What should go in the blank must be 4. So (-2)(-2) = 4. This proof was first actually proposed by Maestro Dardi of Pisa in year 1334. In explaining this to students I suggest rewriting (10-2)(10-2) to (10+-2)(10+-2) to reinforce the distinction between the dash sign as minus and as symbol denoting ‘negative’.

Girolamo Cardano sometime in 1545 proposed a geometric interpretation of this operation. He argued that (10-2)(10-2) can be interpreted as cutting off 2 strips of 2 x 10 rectangles from the two sides of the 10 x 10 square. Cutting the rectangles like these meant cutting the  2 x 2 square twice so you need to return back the other square. The figure below shows this. This proof by Cardano is usually used to teach the identity square of a difference (x-y)(x-y)=x^2-2xy+y^2. This is a good opportunity to revisit the rule negative times a negative is positive.

Reference to history is from the paper Historical objection to the number line by Albrecht Heefer.

Posted in Math research

Math Education Studies

Math-ed studies is my  new blog about research in mathematics teaching and learning and teacher learning. It contains studies, books, links, etc about mathematics education. It is actually my nth attempt to organize myself. Evernote is not enough to organize me. With this blog I hope it will be easier for me to trace where I read this or that idea. I hope this will also be useful to you especially in doing a literature review for your research. For obvious reason I cannot provide access to the full paper or books just the abstract and some important ideas from them. Usually these ideas has to do with what I’m currently writing. I have included the title of the journal and publisher of the paper in each post if you want to read the full paper.

To give you an idea what the blog contains, here’s the most recent posts:

Recent Posts

If you have a paper about mathematics teaching and learning and teacher learning published online with public access, just e-mail the link to me. Of course I reserve the right to link it or not in math-ed studies blog.

Posted in Math Lessons

Math Lessons in Mathematics for Teaching

This is a collection of math lessons posted in this blog.  Most if not all of the lessons use the strategy teaching through problem solving or through mathematical investigation. I believe that school mathematics is about teaching students how to think mathematically first and learning the mathematics second so  math lessons should be designed so that students are engaged in thinking mathematically. This is something that should not be left to chance.

  1. How to grow algebra eyes and ears
  2. How to teach the inverse function
  3. How to teach the derivative function without really trying
  4. How to scaffold problem solving in geometry
  5. What is a coordinate system?
  6. How to teach triangle congruence through problem solving
  7. Teaching the meaning of equal sign
  8. Geometry lesson: Collapsible chair model
  9. Teaching negative numbers via the numberline with a twist
  10. Introducing negative numbers
  11. Teaching with GeoGebra – Investigating coordinates of points
  12. Teaching simplifying and adding radicals
  13. Teaching with GeoGebra: Squares and Square Roots
  14. Teaching trigonometry via problem solving
  15. Introducing positive and negative numbers
  16. Teaching subtraction of integers
  17. Algebraic thinking and subtracting integers – Part 2
  18. Subtracting integers using tables- Part 1
  19. Teaching the absolute value of an integer
  20. Teaching with GeoGebra: Constructing polygons with equal area